0800 086 2864 juli@connxess.co.uk

Vision, Mission and Values

There are many interpretations as to the purpose of setting the vision, mission and values for your business, but I thought I would share my thoughts as I believe they are a key component to business improvement. Vision Most business owners have a vision. They know...

What 2020 did for me

When I set this blog up I made a promise to myself that I would write one EVERY month. They would be predominantly informative, helping businesses to improve and grow, with the odd spattering of reflection. So, first of all, I would like to say sorry… not sorry...

Keep your customers close – your competitors closer

Are you the best at what you do? How do you know? Do you know who your competitors are? When did you last complete a competitor analysis? Do you even know where to start? Many businesses like to think they have conducted a competitor analysis when really all they have...

The Easiest Way to Plan

Planning It’s the start of the year and a new decade. The chances are you’ve probably been thinking about a plan for where you would like to be this time next year. Some of you will have even committed pen to paper to solidify your goals. You probably even have a...

Time to reflect

I write the first draft of this blog as I sit in a car park of an event that started 40 minutes ago but due to various circumstances, some in my control (left the house 15 minutes late) and some out of my control (the M6 carpark), I have decided not to gate crash the...