0800 086 2864 juli@connxess.co.uk

How to Hire a Virtual Assistant

If you are contemplating hiring a Virtual Assistant but your not sure how to go about it or what to even consider then below is our guide to ensure this valuable resource becomes your best business decision ever. Define your needs The very first step is to define what...

Four easy steps to Business Improvement

So, I am going to take a bit of a guess here and assume that you have a business plan. You wrote it because you were told to and now it sits in a draw or archived somewhere on your hard drive in the same state as it was when you wrote it 5/10 years ago? If I am right,...

The Cashflow Forecast

Every businessperson understands the need to know their numbers. Income, gross and net earnings, and even having a clear idea of what you’re spending on your fixed assets are key to running a successful business. But how many businesses effectively look at what...

Why do we need to plan?

It’s that time of year for a fresh start, laying to bed the year gone by and putting down on paper how different 2024 is going to be. We should all have a plan; our world might not go to that plan (I am 100% certain it won’t) but we all want the plan. Why? It’s...

But Elon Musk never had a business plan!

Not true, I promise. What he didn’t have a structured document talking about his finances or a SWOT analysis and sales plan that targeted investors and brought his team together to align to one vision. He is far beyond that, and his credibility and vast experience is...

The Art of Resilience

I’m sure we would all agree that 2020 was a hell of a year. Well, 2021 hasn’t started off that much better but at least we are now heading in the right direction. Towards the end of a year writers/bloggers/publishers suggest a word to characterize the year. Arianna...