0800 086 2864 juli@connxess.co.uk

Welcome to ConnXess – the flexible way to outsource your business service needs. For a one off project, pay as you go or a monthly retainer you can access expertise in Business Management, finance, administration, marketing and many more business management services. Outsourcing these services can be a cost-effective solution that can support business need and therefore support organic growth.

We take care of the time-consuming everyday tasks that keep your business going from day to day and leave you time to focus on your business.

We understand that not all businesses have the financial backing to recruit expertise to their team and often procuring several services can be just as big a financial burden. It is our desire that ALL businesses should be able to access expertise in a cost-effective way.

Started in 2019, ConnXess takes a holistic approach to business management services and brings together a bespoke package of support that meets your needs when you need them. By opting for the retainer approach you can purchase hours not a service, therefore you only pay for what you use and what you use depends on what you need.

Outsourcing these services in this way is a cost-effective solution that supports business need and organic growth.